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The Interesting Dynamic of Betting Lines and NBA Fantasy

There are 2 aspects of sportsbook betting lines that have a HUGE impact on NBA fantasy selection: point spreads & game totals.

Point spread: the bigger the number means the favourite is more likely to crush the underdog.  I.e., the best teams are 12+ point faves to horrible teams, while two closely matched teams see a spread of 1-6 points.  When the spread is huge, BE CAREFUL selecting players on BOTH SIDES.   The favourite is likely to crush and could rest players early.   The underdog could either give up and rest players or, getting crushed means not scoring a lot of points.   This bears repeating because its an interesting dynamic – if your player’s team is very likely to crush, it could hurt you as garbage time minutes are soaked up by some random bench players.   Conversely, you may choose garbage bench players on teams who are big favourites to fill your roster as they could get lots of 2nd half minutes in a route.

Game total: this is the total number of points expected to be scored in an NBA game.  Some games have totals in the low 180s, some have totals above 230.  If there are 230 points scored in a game v 180, your players are likely to score 25%+ MORE points, a huge benefit to your fantasy selections.

Here is the link to the DonBest NBA odds: http://z5h.808.mytemp.website/live-odds/nba/   Review BOTH the game total AND point spread for EACH NBA game before selecting fantasy players to improve your odds of success.   Consider the weird potential dynamics of blowouts as they occur more often in the NBA than other major sports.

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Last modified: March 18, 2023
