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Bet On Anyone But Joki To Win In Oz

One of the tennis majors, the Australian Open, is starting next week. Betting on almost anyone to win it is value. What? How can that be? You better get on this bet quickly!

The best tennis player in the world, by far is Novak Djokovic; he is a huge favourite to win the Australian Open men’s tennis tournament. However, Djokovic is an anti vaxxer and gained entry to Australia via a “medical exemption”. The tournament is held in Melbourne, a city that set a record with a 262 day lockdown, the harshest by far.

To summarize, Australians haven’t been able to travel and were locked down for almost a year, but a tennis prima donna, who was anti-vax, is being allowed in to the country to play in a tennis game. Some people married to Australians have NOT been allowed in the country for two years. Think this “medical exemption” decision will rile up some locals? Think that decision may get overturned?

I’m betting it does!

The way futures markets work is if you bet on an individual to win a tennis tournament and he wins it, you win your bet. Sportsbooks can’t deny payment because you got great odds because the favourite was booted before it started.

Get on this bet quick, as there’s a good chance Joki’s booted soon and whoever you think may win its odds will drop dramatically, denying you the value bet!

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Last modified: March 17, 2023